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21 Selfish Bosses Make Employees’ Lives Worse

1.This boss who requires employees to work for 21 consecutive days:

2.The boss who posted this sign to his customers:

3.This boss who spoke after employees demanded pay:

Text message conversations about rescheduling meetings and discussing payment issues and financial responsibilities

4.This boss was sitting at an employee’s desk talking to a coworker…and then this happened:

A hand holding tortoiseshell glasses with textured concrete floor background

5.The former boss received a report of wage theft and because he only paid his employee 80% of his salary, he wrote “thief” on the check owed to the employee:

Close up of bank document with handwritten words "thief" Above the Santander Bank logo

6.This boss is cutting employees’ hours in order to reduce their pay:

A text message conversation, asking about the rounding time of clocking in, clarifying whether 4:01 is rounded to 4:00 or 4:15, and requesting attendance sheet records
Exchange of text messages about clocking in and confirming that there will be no loss of wages in the short term

7.This boss is basically putting many lives at risk with these tires:

Close-up of a worn truck tire with visible tread wear on a gravel surface

8.I don’t think this boss wants to give any time off:

Text exchange: Rick was asked to reschedule Thursday's plans. Follow up later "Did you get my message, Rick?" Rick replied, "Yes, I did it."

9.“Fresh air? Don’t know her,” the boss said, then closed the only window in the office:

The door frame is equipped with an automatic door closer, and the lock indicator is clearly visible; cars and buildings outside can be seen through the glass

10.This boss wants a high school student to come to work at 9 a.m. on a school day:

Timetable showing Thursday highlighted working hours 09:00-15:30, indicating shifts

11.This boss thought this broom would allow his employees to sweep the floor:

Man in gray shoes and blue jeans sweeps tile floor

12.The boss denied the employee a graduate leave without warning:

Text conversation: A asks about the schedule; B explains that they have a graduation ceremony today and asks for a photo of the schedule

13.The boss sent a text message at 1:59 a.m. explaining his arrival tomorrow:

The text message at 1:59 a.m. showed, "Tomorrow at 6 o'clock [name obscured] please;" Option to create an event or send a quick reply

14.The boss sent the employee a text message about his homework on his day off:

Text conversations discuss work action plans, signal issues, and availability to receive texts and calls

15.This boss’s “now recruiting” sign is a passive-aggressive squeak:

Signed for pizza chef job; Qualifications: Not a crybaby, proficient "shut your mouth," Able to read timetable

16.This boss who was caught littering his employee’s truck:

Coffee cup with label showing the order: Venti Blonde Americano with Ristretto, 3 stevia and 1/2 heavy cream

17.“Two days before” an employee called in sick with the flu/COVID-19, the boss posted this message on the company’s Facebook page:

Facebook posts show conversations about frustrations among younger generations, expressing concerns and dissatisfaction
Boss scolded young workers for calling in sick, and others responded to the post saying that's why they don't hire young people

18.This boss fired an employee for telling him “how to do his job” – after the employee told him “we can’t block fire escapes”:

Emergency exit in stairwell partially blocked by cardboard boxes and crates
Fire escape completely blocked by boxes and crates

19.This boss who held a mandatory meeting at short notice:

Text about mandatory training sent via Zoom on February 25, 2022 at 10:00 AM ET; response dropped due to conflict

20.The boss, who posted this flyer after two colleagues spoke to each other while the store was empty of customers:

The poster with the image of the Minions states, "Work is not meant to be fun." Advise employees to avoid personal discussions during work hours

at last…

twenty one.This boss made it known that anyone who sat in her chair when she was not in the office would be fired:

A photo of the chair in question with a sign that says "Just Brenda's chair, if anyone sits on this you'll be fired, PS, try me"

It read: “Brenda’s chair only!! If anyone sits in this chair you will be fired!!! PS, try me!!”

The sign on the chair reads: "Brenda's chair only! If anyone sits in this chair, you'll be fired! PS try me!"

H/T: r/mild irritation and r/reaction

Wow! Have you ever had a shocking or crazy encounter with a powerful boss? Let us know in the comments below.

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