55 Best Outdoor Gear Amazon After-Christmas Sales
Christmas may be over, but the savings aren’t. Put that stocking stuffer cash to good use by taking advantage of Amazon’s after-Christmas sale, which is offering steep discounts on outdoor gear galore. Right now, you can save on everything from camping gear and hiking boots to winter jackets and apparel for up to 81 percent off.
We shop sales for a living, so take it from us: these end-of-season markdowns are your last chance to save big ahead of your 2025 adventures. With savings on top outdoor brands like Merrell, Columbia, Osprey, and Salomon, you’ll have everything you need to stay warm on the trail or at the campsite. Read on to explore the 55 best hiking and camping gear deals from Amazon’s after-Christmas sale and snag what you can while prices start at $13.
Best Amazon Deals Overall
Amazon has so many after-Christmas deals happening right now for campers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Keep yourself safe on the trail with the Luxmom Survival Kit and First Aid Kit, on sale for 38 percent off, and these Hotdot Rechargeable Hand Warmers, on sale for a whopping 81 percent off. Stay warm on the mountain and around the campfire with great apparel deals, including this comfy Adidas Men’s Essentials 3-Stripes Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie for $39 (originally $65). And don’t forget to upgrade your sleeping gear while you have the chance — right now, you can get this top-rated Coleman Camping Tent With Screen Room for $140, which is 39 percent off the regular price.
- Hotdot Rechargeable Hand Warmers, $25 (originally $130)
- Luxmom Survival Kit and First Aid Kit, $50 (originally $80)
- Kelty Redwing 36-liter Backpack, $90 (originally $120)
- TheFitLife Nordic Trekking Poles, $25 (originally $43)
- Columbia Women’s Arcadia Ii Jacket, $56 (originally $75)
- Adidas Men’s Essentials 3-Stripes Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie, $39 (originally $65)
- Columbia Men’s Newton Ridge Plus Ii Waterproof Hiking Boots, $67 (originally $100)
- Sorel Women’s Kinetic Breakthru Conquest Waterproof Boots, $79 (originally $175)
- Coleman Camping Tent With Screen Room, $140 (originally $230)
- Intex Dura-Beam Classic Air Mattress, $21 (originally $69)
Best Hiking Gear and Accessory Deals
Whether you’re braving a snowy trail or waiting until warmer days, now is the perfect time to upgrade your hiking gear. Keep yourself safe from wild animals with this Sabre Frontiersman Bear Spray that comes with an easy-access holster — now 20 percent off. And don’t forget about hydration (even when it’s cold out) by packing the Hydro Flask Travel Tumbler, currently 17 percent off, or the smaller Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Water Bottle (marked down 27 percent off). Store everything in a backpack designed to support you for the entire hike, like the top-rated Osprey Farpoint 40L Men’s Travel Backpack that’s on sale for just $134, normally $185.
- Sabre Frontiersman Bear Spray, $40 (originally $50)
- Luxmom Survival Kit and First Aid Kit, $50 (originally $80)
- Hydro Flask Travel Tumbler, $33 (originally $40)
- Kelty Redwing 36-liter Backpack, $90 (originally $120)
- General Medi Mini 110-piece First Aid Kit, $14 (originally $20)
- CamelBak Eddy+ Water Bottle With Straw, $18 (originally $25)
- CamelBak Rogue Hydration Pack, $68 (originally $77)
- Osprey Farpoint 40L Men’s Travel Backpack, $134 (originally $185)
- Nalgene Sustain Tritan BPA-free Water Bottle, $15 (originally $17)
- TheFitLife Nordic Trekking Poles, $24 (originally $43)
- Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Water Bottle, $24 (originally $33)
- LifeStraw Personal Water Filter 2-pack, $36 (originally $40)
- Hotdot Rechargeable Hand Warmers, $25 (originally $130)
TheFitLife Nordic Trekking Poles
Hotdot Rechargeable Hand Warmers
Best Women’s Hiking Clothes Deals
There’s an old Scandinavian saying that goes, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” Brave any hike or campout with Amazon’s top-rated winter jackets, pants, and socks that will keep you cozy and dry. Start with the Columbia Women’s Arcadia II Jacket, which is on sale for just $55 (originally $75), making it an affordable way to repel rain and other types of moisture. There are also some great deals on hiking pants right now, including the Baleaf Women’s Quick-drying Hiking Joggers and the Moosehill Women’s Hiking Pants, both of which are discounted during Amazon’s after-Christmas sale.
Columbia Women’s Arcadia II Jacket
Willit Women’s Hiking Shorts
Best Men’s Hiking Clothes Deals
Fleece hoodies, knit beanies, and heated vests are all on sale at Amazon. Get this Adidas Men’s Essentials 3-Stripes Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie, that can be worn on and off the trail, for just $39. Keep your head nice and toasty with warm hats like this Levi’s All Season Cuffed Beanie, currently 23 percent off, and this New Balance Lightweight Athletic Hat for 20 percent off. If you really hate the cold, don’t miss a chance to grab the Ororo Men’s Heated Vest for 20 percent off — it’ll deliver steady warmth around your core to make sure you’re comfortable even on the coldest days.
Ororo Men’s Heated Vest
Lee Men’s Extreme Motion Crossroad Cargo Shorts
Best Hiking Boots Deals
These boots were made for hiking – that’s how the song goes, right? Jokes aside, wearing the proper footwear on your trek is crucial, so take advantage of the incredible hiking boot sales going on during Amazon’s after-Christmas savings event. Score the popular Merrell Women’s Moab 3 Mid Hiking Boots for as low as $60 (originally $150); in fact, they’re some of the best women’s hiking boots we’ve ever tested. Men can also get the same boots for as low as $124 — 17 percent off the regular price. If you prefer something with a little less ankle support, grab the Merrell Women’s Hiking Shoes or the Salomon Men’s X Ultra Pioneer Climasalomon Hiking Boots, both over 25 percent off.
- Columbia Men’s Newton Ridge Plus II Waterproof Hiking Boots, $67 (originally $100)
- Merrell Women’s Moab 3 Mid Hiking Boots, $60 (originally $150)
- Salomon Men’s X Ultra Pioneer Climasalomon Hiking Boots, $96 (originally $135)
- Nortiv 8 Men’s Ankle Waterproof Hiking Boots, $54 (originally $90)
- Columbia Women’s Newton Ridge Plus Waterproof Hiking Boots, $73 (originally $100)
- Merrell Women’s Hiking Shoes, $72 (originally $125)
- Keen Men’s Targhee III Low Height Waterproof Boots, $78 (originally $155)
- Sorel Women’s Kinetic Breakthru Conquest Waterproof Boots, $79 (originally $175)
- Keen Men’s Targhee III Waterproof Mid Hiking Boots, $90 (originally $165)
- Merrell Men’s Moab 3 Mid Hiking Boots, $124 (originally $150)
- Skechers Women’s Trego Alpine Trail Hiking Boots, $51 (originally $95)
Merrell Women’s Moab 3 Mid Hiking Boots
Keen Men’s Targhee III Low Height Waterproof Boots
Best Camping Gear and Accessory Deals
Is the camping tent you’ve had since 2014 looking a little worse for wear? Even if your next overnight trip won’t be until the snow melts, we always recommend upgrading to new camping gear ahead of time — especially if you can get a good deal on what you need. Take this Coleman Sundome Camping Tent With Rainfly, for example; it’s just $46! Or, you can opt for the larger Coleman Camping Tent With Screen Room for $140 — aka 25 percent off. Stay comfortable while sleeping on this Intex Dura-Beam Classic Air Mattress, which is a whopping 69 percent off the regular price and will feel a lot better than sleeping on the ground.
- Coleman Sundome Camping Tent With Rainfly, $46 (originally $70)
- Yeti Rambler 10-ounce Insulated Tumbler, $20 (originally $25)
- Consciot LED Camping Lanterns, $30 (originally $35)
- Woolly Mammoth Woolen Co. Merino Wool Camp Blanket, $56 with on-site coupon (originally $90)
- Swtmerry Sleeping Bag, $23 (originally $29)
- Coleman Camping Tent With Screen Room, $140 (originally $230)
- Intex Dura-Beam Classic Air Mattress, $21 (originally $69)
- Yeti Hopper Soft Cooler, $210 (originally $300)
- Redcamp Cotton Flannel Sleeping Bag, $38 with on-site coupon (originally $46)
- Coleman Compact Roll-top Camping Table, $50 (originally $60)
- Yuzonc Double Sleeping Pad, $55 (originally $80)
- Kitwlemen Camping Fan With LED Lantern, $56 (originally $80)
- Yeti Roadie 60 Wheeled Cooler, $338 (originally $450)
Coleman Sundome Camping Tent With Rainfly
Yuzonc Double Sleeping Pad
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