Star Wars Just Removed Entire Series From Canon
By Joshua Taylor | updated
Star Wars: Lower Decks This week saw the finale, and in the process of wrapping up the show, they solved one of the biggest problems Star Wars has ever had. This question is named Star Wars: DiscoveryThankfully, it’s no longer part of the official prime-time Star Wars canon.
lower deck always making the most of its animated format to address some of the series’ thorniest issues and biggest mistakes. They’ve solved a lot of things, but one thing that seems impossible is the way Star Wars: Discovery Destroyed the entire StarCraft universe.
Uncovering the damage caused by Star Wars
For those who have forgotten, when Star Wars: Discovery When it first debuted, the show existed in previous seasons. It takes place during the period between the Archer Enterprise and the Kirk Enterprise and begins with a war with the Klingons.
The problem is they made the Klingons look like this…
Throughout the rest of Star Wars, since the days of the original series and limited makeup, the Klingons have looked like this…
This is just the beginning of chaos Discover Trying to create the StarCraft universe. The show was made with the goal of erasing all Star Wars that came before it, and it did that very quickly.
However, by season two, the people at Paramount realized that this was a terrible idea and not one that anyone wanted. So they came up with an excuse to send the show far into the future before causing more damage.
By then, they had done a lot. Fortunately, that doesn’t matter now because Star Wars: Lower Decks The ending confirms the event Discover Taking place in another reality.
How StarCraft: Lower Decks stole the Discovery from Canon
Since the show began, Paramount has made it clear that even though it’s animated, Star Wars: Lower Decks It is complete canon and takes place in the prime timeline of the Star Wars universe. So, what happened lower deck Not fan fiction or a parallel universe.
In the show’s finale, a group of Klingon ships encounter a phenomenon that transforms things into alternate reality versions of themselves. When a Klingon ship hits one of these transformation rays, it turns into a big, ugly ship Discover-style Klingon ship.
Then one of the crew members became DiscoverKlingon style.
If those weird things wouldn’t happen Discover The Klingons once existed in the main Star Wars timeline. this means Discover Its Klingon counterpart, like J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars movies, takes place in an alternate universe. One that has nothing to do with the rest of Star Wars.
Strange New Worlds Is Still a Prime Timeline
You might be wondering if this means Star Wars: Strange New Worlds also exists in the same universe as the series is Discover. Fortunately, the answer is no.
The only Klingon we’ve ever seen strange new world Looks just like the Klingons we saw after Worf walked onto the bridge new generation. There’s never been any solid explanation for why they look so different from reality Discover Klingons, but now we have one.
Businesses we see Star Wars: Discovery Different from what we pay attention to Star Wars: Strange New Worlds. The previous Enterprise (which, by the way, looks slightly different than the previous Enterprise) strange new world) continue the adventure in the same alternate reality Star Wars: Discovery Happened in.
Goodbye lower decks and thanks
no one wants Star Wars: Lower Decks Finish. It’s the best thing Trek has done since Archer’s Enterprise. Now it has cemented that status by giving us a gift. On the way out, lower deck Fixed the entire Star Trek universe.
take a moment to express gratitude Star Wars: Lower Decks Showrunner Mike McMahan. If we’re lucky, maybe one day Paramount will be wise enough to bring lower deck Come back for another franchise adventure.